Episode 3: Anti-Oppressive Learning


How can you prioritize your clients’ needs and challenge harmful systems through anti-oppressive learning products and experiences? What stereotypes and microaggressions have Danbee and Mariana encountered in online education spaces? And are learning styles a myth or reality?


In this episode, Danbee and Mariana discuss:

  • How anti-oppressive learning products challenge harmful systems and prioritize your clients’ needs and experiences

  • The myth of learning styles

  • Harmful stereotypes and microaggressions in online education spaces

  • The role of feedback in creating anti-oppressive learning products and experiences

  • Marketing learning products without using manipulative techniques


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This accompanying PDF will guide you through reflection questions and your next steps so you can implement what you learned about anti-oppressive learning.

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Episode 4: Privilege and Intersectionality in Online Business


Episode 2: Decolonising Online Education